Ghoul of Kolkata – Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa Ghoul Of KolKataReading list to know the reality of The Ghoul of Kolkata, ‘Saint’ Mother Teresa, and how international presstitutes have fabricated the persona of this ‘demigoddess’, still worshiped in India by millions of heathens in their blindness.
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Mars Mission, Bullet Train & Povertarianism

Just a short post to highlight the hypocrisy (or deliberate deception) of the self-styled intellectuals. The source of this malady is in the lens of povertarianism used to view India’s ambitious initiatives, whether nuclear projects, space missions, or the recent bullet train. There are some instances when they are reluctant to deploy this lens which gives away their game. For example:
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Digesting Karate :: Digesting Yoga

By now you are probably familiar with the appropriation, distortion and digestion of Indian cultural assets, like yoga, meditation, bharatanatyam into western Synthetic Unity. Here we shall see how similar self-serving justifications are used to appropriate Karate and other martial arts by the cultural aggressor.
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FAQ: Why Hindus wear dot on forehead (bindi)?


One of the most frequently asked questions is “Why Hindus wear dot on the forehead?”. It is one custom which has been part of tradition that can be traced back to remote antiquity. Anytime a curious non-Indian meets an Indian, this is a question they have always genuinely wanted to know the answer for. It is so common that it has to be on Google suggestions list: Continue reading

U-Turn Theory: A specimen pattern

Some of you may be vaguely familiar with U-Turn Theory by Rajiv Malhotra. Those who are familiar with his works over the years would also know how he exposed in great detail the “academic cartel” which controls the entire supply-chain, from research grants to publication and dissemination. Further, if you had read the paper on University of Hawaii’s Indian Philosophy programs, you would have come across these two interesting pieces of information. In these two cases, we see the pattern where there is a deliberate effort to not disclose Indian influence & contribution in cutting-edge science: Continue reading

Swastika and Hindu Cowardice


Given here is a series of email exchanges between myself and the local Diwali program organizing committee members. As a volunteer, I was assigned publicity work for the event. I designed a poster for the event that was to be printed and distributed at local businesses. On four corners of the poster I added the official symbols of four Dharma Traditions that celebrate Diwali. Swastika is the official symbol of Jain dharma. Some of the members objected having swastika on the poster, mostly out of fear that it could be misunderstood and cause unnecessary trouble. One member privately supported to keep the symbol, but was too scared to do so openly. Here are the emails where members expressed their objections and I explained my stance. If you are one of the committee members reading this – don’t worry, I have removed all your names. This is just to showcase the level of cowardice we have stooped to and use this opportunity to introspect. Nothing personal. Continue reading

World Congress for the Preservation of Religious Diversity

Content from above page reproduced here, as that site is scheduled for an upgrade and may move to a different location. Do visit the above site and explore.

Summary of the World Congress for the Preservation of Religious Diversity

The World Congress for the Preservation of Religious Diversity, which took place between the 15th and the 17th of November 2001, was the first international event of its kind. The Prime Minister of India Honorable Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee inaugurated World Congress, and stressed the need for such conferences, especially at this crucial time in world history. His Holiness, the Dalai Lama also addressed the Congress, and encouraged all religious leaders of the world to come together and work towards promoting peace and harmony. Sri Swami Dayananda gave the aims and objectives of the Congress in his speech. The main emphasis of the Congress, Swamiji said, is the preservation of religious diversity. Swamiji also pointed out that it was the first time that representatives from all these diverse religious traditions congregated with a commitment for the preservation of diversity. Continue reading